Droplet Digital PCR World 2024 in Guangzhou, China(中国、広州)
昨年に引き続きBio-Rad主催のDroplet Digital PCR Worldでセミナーをしました。今年は中国の広州にて開催されました。香港には一度行きましたが、それ以外では初めての中国でした。大学の教養課程で私は第2外国語として中国語を勉強しました。もちろんそんなには覚えてないのですが、ところどころわかりました。ラーメンみたいので、多分替え玉いるかどうか聞かれていたのですが、もういらないのに、うろ覚えの中国語で「お腹減った」と逆のことを自慢気に言って、店員さんを混乱させてしまい、申し訳なかったです。中華料理はどれもとても美味しかったです。
Continuing from last year, I gave a seminar at Droplet Digital PCR World hosted by Bio-Rad. This year, the seminar was held in Guangzhou, China. I had been to Hong Kong once, but this was my first time in China. I studied Chinese as a second language in my college liberal arts program. Of course I don't remember that much, but I understood some parts. I think I was asked if I wanted another batch of ramen. Although I didn't want any more, I proudly said the opposite in my hazy Chinese, “I'm hungry,” which confused the waiter. Sorry for that. All the Chinese food was very delicious.
It has already been about 10 years since I started collaborating with Bio-Rad to develop a system to detect genome editing outcomes using droplet digital PCR when I was a postdoc. Time flies. Compared to those days, when I think about the fact that digital PCR is now being used in various fields including medical institutions, I feel that it is a successful product. At that time, we could only detect two fluorescences, but now we can detect up to six colors at the same time. I would like to publish a paper on the results of making good use of the six colors as soon as possible. Thank you very much for the invitation again this year.